Uploading vulnerability reports
This feature supports the vulnerabilities query.
SARIF files are how Code Metrics understands software vulnerabilities in your repositories.
SARIF files can be uploaded using the Code Metrics API or the Report Upload UI.
Report Upload UI
The uploader API accepts SARIF format files and stores them in the data store.
This is the uploader UI component:
When the workload is selected, the list of relevant repos for that workload is prepopulated for selection.
Report Upload API
Example SARIF upload:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJI...'
-d "@example.sarif" "http://localhost:3000/api/vulnerabilities?workload=athena&repoName=spring-petclinic&reportDate=2023-12-11"
SARIF files are parsed on upload and metadata such as code repository and severity are extracted.
Note If repository name was provided during upload, this takes precedence over the metadata within the file.
Vulnerabilities query
See the vulnerabilities query documentation.