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Data sources

Code Metrics provides a number of data sources that you can use to explore your data. You can filter and group your data in a number of ways to get the insights you need.

Available data sources

Source code metrics

Data about the structure, complexity and health of your codebase.

Metrics include:

  • Test coverage
  • Cyclomatic complexity
  • Codebase size (ncloc)

Build and deployment pipelines

Duration, success percentage and outcomes of build and deployment pipelines.

Metrics include:

  • Pipeline outcomes (successful/failed/aborted)
  • Pipeline success percentage
  • Pipeline execution duration

Repository churn

A metric showing the amount of change in a repository.

Bug culprit files

Identifies files that are frequently changed in response to bug fixes. These are potential 'culprits' for code that needs attention.

Bugs and escaped bugs

Bugs/defects from the ALM tool, such as Jira. Helpful to correlate against other software quality metrics.

DORA metrics

Deployment frequency, change failure rate, time to restore service and lead time for changes.

Changes outside working pattern

A metric showing the number of changes (commits) made outside of a team's working hours or days.


Number and severity of vulnerabilities for a repository.

Pull Request (PR) metrics

Metrics about pull requests, such as:

  • PR duration
  • PR size

Change types

Types of changes that teams are making to the codebase.