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Deployment on AWS Lambda


This document describes how to deploy Code Metrics on AWS Lambda.



The AWS Lambda deployment can be found on the Releases page.

Download the file. See the example template.yaml for an example of how to deploy the Lambda function.

The frontend web UI is a static site, so can be hosted anywhere. You can find the latest version of the web UI on the Releases page.

Download the file and host it on a static site. You will need to set the apiBaseUrl variable in config.json to point to the API endpoint.


Infrastructure and backend

Change directory to the codemetrics-api directory:

cd backend/lambda

Deploy bucket and CloudFront distribution:

sam deploy


Set apiBaseUrl in config.json to the API base URL.

Deploy static web assets:

aws s3 sync dist/ s3://<bucket-name>/

Running periodic cache updates on AWS Lambda

You can run periodic cache updates on AWS Lambda. See Trigger a cache refresh for more information.