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There are three primary files to configure Code Metrics.

  • remote-config.yaml - controls how you connect to your external systems
  • workload-config.yaml - how you represent your teams/repositories
  • license.yaml - the license key to run the software

These files model how your teams are organised, and contain settings to interact securely with external data sources for Code Quality (e.g. Sonar), Project Management (e.g. Jira) and Code Management (e.g. GitHub).

External Systems (remote-config.yaml)

The remote-config.yaml file controls how you connect to your external systems.

Start by copying the file remote-config.yaml.example and name it remote-config.yaml, then set the configuration relevant for your team's tooling setup.

This file has a section for each type of external system:

Note Supported external systems are described in the features section.

Teams, repositories and workloads (workload-config.yaml)

The workload-config.yaml file models how you represent your teams/repositories.

Start by copying the file workload-config.yaml.example and name it workload-config.yaml.

This file contains the structure and hooks used to organise and map the data produced within the remote systems to each team. The information gathered can be aggregated and filtered based on the options provided.

➡️ Learn about configuring workloads

License file (license.yaml or license.json)

This file contains the license key and the associated email address.

For example:

# license.yaml
key: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...

Place the license file in the configuration directory. The license is validated when the application starts.

Additional configuration

Depending on how you set up your authentication and secrets management, there may be additional files too.

Some advanced settings can be controlled using environment variables.

User authentication

See the user authentication section.


See the deployments section.

Custom queries

You can define custom queries using a JSON file. See custom queries for details.

Advanced configuration

Locating configuration files

The path to the directory containing configuration files is set by the environment variable CONFIG_DIR.

This path defaults to the directory containing the backend component, such as /backend in the Docker container.

For example:


File format

Configuration files can be in JSON or YAML format. For example, remote-config.yaml, or remote-config.yml or remote-config.json.

In the documentation we refer to the YAML filenames, but the same structure applies to JSON format files in line with JSON syntax.

Examples of all configuration files are provided by the project, e.g. remote-config.yaml.example.


If you need to adjust the origin of the web UI, edit the CORS_ORIGIN environment variable in the backend service.

For example:
