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Configuration: CI/CD Pipelines

This section is part of the remote-config.yaml configuration file. See the configuration overview for further information.

Azure DevOps (ADO)

Note the same token value may also be used for retrieving VCS info within the code management configuration if required and permission is provided within the token scope.

Within a server object:

  1. Add a unique id value for the target server.

  2. Add the url endpoint of the ADO instance.

  3. Create an Azure Personal Access Token. To call ADO you'll need to authenticate with a PAT. See instructions here.

  4. Add the PAT value to the object's apiKey field.

  5. Add a list of branches you want to have the option to analyse for your projects (TODO: Align with Workloads)


Within a pipelines.github server object:

  1. Add a unique id value for the target server.

  2. Create a Personal Access Token. Navigate to and create a token with the following scopes:

    • public_repo
    • read:org
    • read:project
  3. Paste the result into the server object's apiKey field.

  4. Add a list of branches you want to have the option to analyse for your projects (TODO: Align with Workloads)

      - id: CodeMetrics 
        url: ''
        apiKey: ${secret.github_api_key}
          - main


Within a pipelines.jenkins server object:

  1. Add a unique id value for the target server.

  2. Add url and access credentials to the url field following the basic auth structure: https://user:key@jenkins.server.url

  3. Add a list of branches you want to have the option to analyse for your projects


Some teams use Dynatrace to monitor their pipelines. This configuration allows you to retrieve data from Dynatrace to monitor the success, duration and frequency of your pipelines.

Within a pipelines.dynatrace server object:

  1. Add a unique id value for the target server.
  2. Add the url endpoint of the Dynatrace instance.
  3. Add the apiKey value for the Dynatrace API.
  4. Set the metricSelector to your query and, optionally, the entitySelector to filter the data you want to retrieve.
  5. Set the dimension names to the names of the dimensions of the metric in your query.
  6. Set the successfulOutcomeValue to the value that indicates a successful build.
      - id: "example-dynatrace"
        url: ""
        apiKey: "${secret.dynatrace-api-key}"
        metricSelector: ""
        successfulOutcomeValue: "1"
          runId: "commit-sha"
          startDate: "start-time-utc"
          endDate: "end-time-utc"
          outcome: "build-success"
          branch: "branch-name"
          repository: "repository"
          jobName: "deploy-job-name"

Here is an example metricSelector, which queries a custom metric in Dynatrace, named example.pipelines.deployment:


No pipeline provider

In the case where no pipeline provider is used, the pipelines type should be set to none.

# remote-config.yaml
      - id: none

In the associated workflow configuration, the pipelines type should be set to none.