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Configuration: Code Quality

This section is part of the remote-config.yaml configuration file. See the configuration overview for further information.

SonarQube and SonarCloud

Code Metrics supports both SonarQube and SonarCloud as code quality providers. The configuration is similar for both.


For SonarCloud, set the url to and use a SonarCloud token generated from the Account > Security page.


For SonarQube, set the url to the server URL, and use a token with appropriate API permissions generated from the instance, as follows:

  • Navigate to Administration > Users
  • Create an access token to enable read only access

It is recommended a service user is created for this integration. See further instructions.

Configuration file

Configure the codeAnalysis.sonar server object in the remote-config.yaml file.

Note You should strongly prefer using the secrets management mechanism to store the token, rather than storing it directly within the configuration file.

If no authMethod is specified then BASIC_AUTH is used.

# remote-config.yaml
      - id: example-sonar
        url: https://example-sonar-server
        apiKey: "${secret.SONAR_API_KEY}"
        authMethod: BEARER_TOKEN

The branch to use for sonar (as the default branch on sonar server may not match the repo branch used) can also be specified on a per workload config. If omitted it will default to main.

# workload-config.yaml
  - id: athena
      type: sonar
      serverId: example-sonar
      branch: primary

Component name prefix

In some environments, it may be required to prepend a string to component names when querying Sonar.

For example, if your repository names are 'frontend' and 'backend' but your Sonar components are named 'projname_frontend' and 'projname_backend'.

You can set a componentKeyPrefix key in the remote-config.yaml for a given Sonar server. The prefix is prepended to all component keys when querying Sonar.

No code quality provider

In the case where no code quality provider is used, the codeAnalysis type should be set to none.

# remote-config.yaml
    - id: none

In the associated workflow configuration, the codeAnalysis type should be set to none.

# workload-config.yaml
  - id: athena
      type: none
      serverId: none