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Configuration: Code Management

This section is part of the remote-config.yaml configuration file. See the configuration overview for further information.

Azure DevOps (ADO)

Note the same token value may also be used for retrieving Work Items within the project management configuration if required and permission is provided within the token scope.

  1. Create an Azure Personal Access Token.
    To call ADO you'll need to authenticate with a PAT. See instructions here.

  2. Paste the result in your respective remote-config.yaml file configuration within a server object's apiKey field.


  1. Create a Personal Access Token. Navigate to and create a token with the following scopes:

    • public_repo
    • read:org
    • read:project
    • repo:status
  2. Paste the result in your respective remote-config.json file configuration within a codeManagement.github server object's apiKey field.