High level architecture
The tool integrates metrics from your application lifecycle management (ALM) tooling (e.g. Jira), code quality tooling (SonarQube) and version control system (VCS) for application code (e.g. GitHub).

System context
Code Metrics queries external systems and presents an analysis of the data across multiple repositories.
title System Context diagram for Code Metrics
Boundary(b4, "Code quality tool", "SonarQube/SonarCloud") {
System_Ext(QualityMetrics, "Code quality metrics", "Metadata on code coverage, complexity, codebase size.")
Boundary(b2, "Code management tool", "GitHub/Bitbucket/Azure") {
SystemDb_Ext(RepoMetrics, "Repository metrics", "List of file change types (e.g. lines added/removed).")
SystemDb_Ext(BuildMetrics, "Build job metrics", "Outcomes (e.g. success/fail) and duration of jobs.")
Boundary(b3, "Project management tool", "Jira/Azure") {
SystemDb_Ext(Bugs, "Bug tickets")
SystemDb_Ext(Incidents, "Incident tickets")
Enterprise_Boundary(b0, "Your organisation") {
Person(engineer, "Engineering Lead", "An engineering leader in your organisation.")
Boundary(b1, "Cloud Account", "") {
System(CodeMetricsTool, "Code Metrics Tool", "Aggregates and analyses software metrics.")
SystemDb(CodeMetricsCache, "Code Metrics cache", "Caches data to avoid hitting external rate limits")
Rel(engineer, CodeMetricsTool, "Uses")
Rel(CodeMetricsTool, CodeMetricsCache, "Uses")
Rel(CodeMetricsTool, QualityMetrics, "Queries")
Rel(CodeMetricsTool, RepoMetrics, "Queries")
Rel(CodeMetricsTool, BuildMetrics, "Queries")
Rel(CodeMetricsTool, Bugs, "Queries")
Rel(CodeMetricsTool, Incidents, "Queries")
UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="3", $c4BoundaryInRow="3")
Deployment diagram
An example deployment using AWS Lambda (backend), CloudFront/S3 (frontend) and DynamoDB (cache).
There are other ways to run Code Metrics, such as Kubernetes, Docker or plain Node.js.
title Deployment Diagram for Code Metrics
Deployment_Node(browser, "Web Browser", "") {
Container(spa, "Single Page Application", "HTML, CSS, JavaScript", "Front-end user interface to the tool.")
Deployment_Node(aws, "AWS account", "Cloud") {
Deployment_Node(wafn, "Web application firewall", "AWS WAF") {
Container(waf, "WAF", "", "Protects the web application.")
Deployment_Node(cloudfront, "Web CDN", "AWS CloudFront") {
Container(cfdistro, "Web distribution", "CloudFront distribution", "Delivers the static content and the Code Metrics single page application.")
Deployment_Node(s3, "Web assets", "AWS S3") {
ContainerDb(web, "Web application", "HTML, CSS, TypeScript", "Web assets for the Code Metrics single page application.")
Deployment_Node(cache, "Cache", "AWS DynamoDB") {
Deployment_Node(tables, "Tables", "DynamoDB"){
ContainerDb(db, "Metrics cache", "DynamoDB table", "Caches metrics.")
Deployment_Node(lambda, "API backend", "AWS Lambda") {
Deployment_Node(func, "Lambda function", "Node.js") {
Container(api, "API application", "TypeScript and Express", "Provides Code Metrics functionality via a JSON/HTTPS API.")
Rel(cfdistro, waf, "Delivers assets", "HTTPS")
Rel(waf, spa, "[HTTPS]")
Rel(cfdistro, web, "Fetches origin assets", "HTTPS")
Rel(spa, api, "Makes API calls to", "JSON/HTTPS")
Rel(api, db, "Reads from and writes to", "DynamoDB API")
UpdateRelStyle(cfdistro, waf, $offsetX="-60", $offsetY="20")
UpdateRelStyle(waf, spa, $offsetX="-40", $offsetY="20")
UpdateRelStyle(cfdistro, web, $offsetX="-70", $offsetY="-20")
UpdateRelStyle(spa, api, $offsetX="-180")
UpdateRelStyle(api, db, $offsetX="20", $offsetY="-40")
Technology overview
The key application technologies are Node.js/Express for the API server and Vue.js for the UI. TypeScript is the primary language. Some of the analyses use a backing store (MongoDB or DynamoDB are a common choices).
The tool interacts with ALM tooling (ADO/Jira), Code quality tools (Sonar) and source control platforms (ADO/Bitbucket/GitHub) typically using their respective HTTPS API. These sources provide the raw data for display or subsequent combined analysis.
Packaging is available via:
- Docker containers (
for the API server and nginx
for static hosting of the UI). Deployment is to anywhere Docker runs, or Node.js if desired.
- AWS Lambda function deployment package (ZIP file).
See the configuration guide for more details.